FJWU Researches & Publications
A quarterly journal of Gender and Social Issue is a regular publication of FJWU.The first issue was published in 2002 followed by nine subsequent issues.
- The researches, Gender Audit of Health, Gender Audit of Employment, Attitude of Rural Populations towards Female Education are completed; along with an ongoing research on Strengths of Pakistani Muslim Families
- Institutional research studies in sociocultural and economic area constitute a regular feature of FJWU research activities.
- Proceedings of "Regional Workshops on Women in Higher Education Management" have been published.
- Proceedings of Seminars and training workshop on “Peace and conflict Resolution in South Asia in Gender Perspective” have been published.
- Proceedings of six-day training workshop on “Environmental Concerns & Management Strategies” have been published.
- South Asian Federation of Exchanges (SAFE) and Lahore Stock Exchange (LSE)
- Resource Centre Murree (RCM), Murree.