ENV Courses

M.Phil. & Ph.D. Program || BS Program

M.Phil. Env. Sci. & Env. Sci (Chem)

Ph.D. Env. Sci. & Env. Sci (Chem)





Environmental Governance 

Green Chemistry

Environment and Society

Hybrid  Materials

Occupational Health and Safety (Core)

Polymers and Environment

Environmental Remediation Techniques

Env. Quantitative Analysis

Solid Waste Management

Chemical Toxicology

Water Resources Management

Mass Spectrometry

Advances in Remote Sensing

Spectroscopic Techniques


Pesticide Chemistry

Research Methods & Techniques

Thermal Methods: Techniques & Applications

Environmental and Industrial biotechnology

Energy Efficient Materials

Environmental Monitoring and Characterization

Chemodynamics & Chemometrics

Plants and Environment

Environmental Nanotechnology

Environmental Forensic

Soil Chemistry

Hydrological Modelling

Applied Chemistry

Advances in Ecology

Adsorption Dynamics


Materials Characterization


Chromatographic Techniques

Geospatial Analysis

Surface Characterization Tools    


Environmental Nanotechnology

Greenhouse Gas Inventory


Environmental Health

Advances in Biodiversity and Conservation

Environmental Modelling

* All courses are of 3 credit hours.
** For M.Phil. program, it is mandatory to qualify 24 credit hours course work and thesis of 6 credit hours. (as per HEC guidelines)
*** For Ph.D. Program, it is mandatory to qualify 18 credit hours course work, comprehensive exam and thesis. For the award of the degree, one w category publication from Ph.D. thesis work is required. (as per HEC guidelines)