Career Counseling Centre

The Punjab Higher Education Commission has funded for establishment of Career Counseling Center at Fatima Jinnah Women University. The Vice Chancellor, Prof Dr. Samina Amin Qadir inaugurated the Center on January 26, 2017. The purpose of CCC was to narrow the gap between academies and industry and generate employability and marketable skills in students.

The Punjab Higher Education Commission aims to establish the Career Counseling Centers (CCC) in public sector universities of the Punjab with a standardized criterion and clear role at institution level.


CCC extends, various training, workshops, short courses, seminars for student to have better sense of selection of profession and path and give them exposure to markets and corporate trends and provide necessary skills to increase their employability skills during their stay at universities.


CCC provides comprehensive services designed to help FJWU undergraduates, graduates, and alumni with their job search along with enhancing their educational, professional and personal development.


Following are the objectives for the establishment of Career Counseling Centers:

  •  Develop a career path, based on skills and interests of students.
  • Gather all the available educational as well as occupational information to aid in developing this path.
  • Select appropriate academic programs and other opportunities that maximize future educational and career options.
  • Prepare to find an internship or occupation after college by developing job-search and presentational skills.
  • Establishment of networks with alumni, employers, organizations and other groups that offer potential professional opportunities.
  • Utilize technology to enhance career development by making them aware of online job portals.
  • Enhance professional communication skills for students and young faculty.
  • Find employment or a graduate opportunity that fits their goals.
  • Prepare to manage their careers after the completion of university education.
  • Arrange education   as well as job fairs to create industry-academia linkages.
  • Help to identify the factors influencing the career Development and help to assess student’s interest, abilities and values.