Name: Ms. Zohra Fatima
Designation: Lecturer
Department: English
Qualification: PhD English (Linguistics) (2022)
National University of Modern Languages (NUML), H-9 Islamabad
M. Phil English (Linguistics) (2014)
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
BS (Honor's) English Language and Literature(2012)
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
Phone: +92-51-9292900 (152)
Email: [email protected]
Status: On Job
Ms. Zohra Fatima

Professional Experience

January 2016- to date
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi

March 2014- December, 2014
Technomics International (Pvt Ltd.) Islamabad
Research Associate (Public Policy)

September 2013- January 2014
Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) Islamabad
Energy Analyst/ Researcher & Project Assistant


  • Semantics and Philosophy of Language
  • Semantics of Tense and Aspect
  • Semantics-Pragmatics Interface
  • Cross-cultural & Intercultural Pragmatics


Conferences Organized

  • “International Conference – Language, Literature, Literacy: COVID and Post-COVID times” held from 10 to 12th May, 2022 at Fatima Jinnah Women University, The Mall, Rawalpindi. (Part of Organizing Team).
  • “2nd Annual National Conference on Linguistics and Literature 2021” (ANCLL, 2019) held from 5th to 7th October, 2021 at Fatima Jinnah Women University, The Mall, Rawalpindi. (Part of Organizing Team).
  • Promoting Teaching and Assessment of Higher Order Thinking Skills in 21st Century: Possibilities, Challenges and Way forward held from 22nd to 23rd, 2020 at Fatima Jinnah Women University, The Mall, Rawalpindi. (Part of Organizing Team).
  • “1st Annual National Conference on Linguistics and Literature 2019” (ANCLL, 2019) held from 26th & 27th September, 2019 at Fatima Jinnah Women University, The Mall, Rawalpindi. (Part of Organizing Team).
  • “4th International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan” (ICLAP 2018) held from 18-20 October 2018 at Fatima Jinnah Women University, The Mall, Rawalpindi. (Part of Organizing Team).
  • “Two-day 2nd Multidisciplinary Graduate Conference” organized by Department of Education and Department of English, Fatima Jinnah Women University from January 29-30, 2018. (Compiled the abstract book of the conference.)
  • 32nd SPELT International Conference (2016), held at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 5th to 6th November, 2016. (Part of Managing Team)
  • ‘Innovation Nation: Pakistan Innovation Forum 2014’ conducted by Pakistan Innovation Foundation on 16th Oct, 2014. (As an organizer)

Paper Presented

  • Pragmatic Vs Grammatical Competence: The Case of ESL Learners In Pakistan. Abstract of paper presentation published in the book of abstracts of the 2nd International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan – ICLAP 2016, held at Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan from 18th to 20th Oct, 2016.
  • The Pragmatic Competence of Pakistani ESL Learners. Abstract of paper presentation published in the book of abstracts of 32nd SPELT International Conference (2016), held at Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan, 5th to 6th November, 2016.