PhD Public Defense - PhD Scholar: Ms Nazia Mustafa

PhD Public Defense Alert! 

An upcoming PhD Public Defense in the subject of Psychology, department of Behavioral is scheduled on Monday May 22nd at 10.00 am. The venue is Susan B Anthony Room, Fatima Jinnah Women University. The dissertation is in area of Clinical Psychology and Therepeutic Interventions.

Dissertation Title: Anxiety Among Children: Adaptation and Effectiveness of the Program Super Skills for Life in School Settings

PhD Scholar: Ms Nazia Mustafa

PhD Supervisor: Dr Aneela Maqsood 

Research Focus: Childhood Anxiety with approximately 9–46.7% prevalence worldwide; has become a major public health challenge for low- and middle-income countries, necessitating early identification and prevention across the region. In the backdrop of this milieu, verdicts of promising present Cluster Randomized Control Trial (cRCT) provide a wholesome package of a cost-effective and culturally adapted transdiagnostic Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) based program along with culturally validated psychometric tools for its management and evidence for the high percentage (e.g., 44%) of anxiety symptoms among primary school children in Pakistan Urban Community. This effort can be considered a critical preliminary step for the development of the School psychology discipline in Pakistan and the conceptualization of prevention science in an indigenous context.